Dried Flower Arrangements


Dried Flower Arrangements can really add to your decor. We have our own Helichyrsums growing here in the Nursery in Oulart and I have dried and used these Helichrysums in different object to provide colourful arrangements to suit everyone’s home and taste.  If you have a pot, unused teapot, candle stand that you love but is not in use why not bring it to Hyland’s and I can brighten it up and turn it into a colourful object rather than an unused one in the back of your press.

Below are images of our helichyrsums growing in the Nursery here in Oulart, that can be used in dried flower arrangements.

If you have any questions, please do reach out to us by phone +353 87 277 3492 or email for answers.

Call us on +353 87 2773492 or email us
to see how we can help you.